Video game Easter eggs are a great inside joke that game developers add in their games exclusively for their fans. Some are simple, and some are just subtle nods to the rest of their franchise. But others go above and beyond. They can be fascinating, humorous, and even moving. Let’s take a look at some of the best Easter eggs of all time.
Cyberpunk 2077 – Hideo Kojima
There’s a Cyberpunk 2077 Hideo Kojima cameo and a nod to Death Stranding across two different missions for you to find. When undertaking the mission titled ‘The Heist’, you get an option to look around after entering the building with Jackie. Check out the hotel bar, as this is where you’ll find Kojima – he’s at a table at the back of the room and to the right of the pink bar, talking to a group of people.
Hitman 3 – Alien Abduction
Hitman 3’s UFO Level Exit can be activated by circumventing the line at the front of the Berlin nightclub, locating the ‘Entrance Shortcut Door’, and photographing the UFO graffiti scrawled prominently on the wall. Once you’ve eliminated the five ICA targets on your hitlist, dialing 1-9-9-3 into the Gas Station payphone sends you skyward in a glowing green light.
The Witcher 3 – Ciri’s nod to Cyberpunk 2077
Even though The Witcher 3 was released several years before Cyberpunk 2077, Ciri mentions the latter in no uncertain terms. In The Witcher 3, we learn early doors that Ciri can travel through space and time, and in one conversation about evading The Wild Hunt, she mentions a realm where people “had metal in their heads, waged war from a distance, using things similar to megascopes. And there were no horses, everyone had their own flying ship instead.” Then, in Cyberpunk 2077, Ciri appears on a magazine cover, bringing the Easter egg full circle.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – A Literal Easter Egg
Grand Theft Auto took it to the next level and gave the players an actual Easter egg.
The VCN building on the northern end of the city sits adjacent to a smaller building with a helipad on top. Jumping from the helipad through the VCN building’s nearest window will lead players into this room. Inside the room is a chocolate egg on a pedestal, making this quite literally a video game Easter egg.
Adventure: Warren Robinett
This is probably one of the oldest Easter eggs. It was hidden in Atari’s Adventure, which is also considered the first action-adventure game (released in 1979). Atari programmer Warren Robinett was frustrated that he wasn’t credited in the games he designed. So he added his own credit in the form of a hidden room.
Move a dot down a corridor, and your character, just a colored square, will be able to enter a room where you see the words “Created by Warren Robinett.”
Assassin’s Creed 3 – Assassin Turkey
If you decide to take a break from jumping from one roof to another, find a turkey. Feed it and punch in the famous Konami Code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, and Start). The turkey will don a cloak and hood just like your Assassin!
Crysis 2 – Elevator Disco
We hope, you like rave parties because Crysis 2 has a hilarious elevator rave Easter egg. In the Dead Man Walking level, take the elevator and go down a hallway. Hop the red rope by a surveillance camera and flip a nearby switch. Head back to the elevator and hop on another red rope to reach a second elevator. The switch will be glowing. Flip that switch, and the elevator’s doors will open: welcome to the party!
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