How Tipico ran Bundesliga and Premier League Promotions with an Esports Team
The well-known international sports betting provider Tipico has taken gaming seriously and were looking to monetize its high-purchasing power audience. With thousands of bets taking place every single day on the Tipico platform, it was strategic to find new market channels that would find new potential customers for the platform.
Under our consultation, Tipico decided to enter a monthly partnership with a German Esports team alongside a special activation event on the day where top German football club rivals played each other.
In a monthly partnership with the German World of Warcraft (WoW) Esports powerhouse Aversion, currently World Rank 5, Tipico activated 5 content creators that would help promote Tipico on a daily basis. This included a special Tipico x WoW betting event for the community.

Campaign Goal
For the Tipico partnership campaign, we focused on Germany due to their core brand strength lying in the German betting market. It was clear that we wanted to target 25+ aged audiences with cross sports interests (esports + traditional sports) in the DACH region.
WoW as THE “oldschool MMO” in the gaming space is known for its older audience with high purchasing power. Aversion as German WoW Esports team strictly focuses on activation exactly these audience benchmarks that fit Tipico’s targets.
A total of 5 Aversion content creators were collaborated with for this partnership, allowing for jointed influencer activations for Tipico. Our collaborative goal was to drive awareness in the German market for the Bundesliga and Premier League start, which unlocked new interesting bets on the Tipico platform.

Meet the Aversion Team

32K+ Followers

40K+ Followers

10K+ Followers

8K+ Followers

18K+ Followers
Tipico x Aversion Special Event Activation
As a special Saturday Tipico Event activation, Aversion and GameInfluencer came up with a creative way to incorporate Tipico into their gaming content, while also providing something for the community.
At the start of the event, all 5 Aversion content creators bet on a specific football game on the day (together with their communities). In a community WoW raid, football trivia questions were asked, allowing audiences to get points for answering correctly. The audience member with the highest points would win the outcome of the bet placed at the start of the event.
A total of 5 winners were announced by the content creators, leaving them with a juicy Tipico bet prize pool as all 5 content creators won their Tipico bets!

Fan Engagement
It is great to see that a brand like Tipico that is majorly involved in traditional sports sponsoring, took the successful risk to try out esports sponsoring. Reaching a large portion of the German World of Warcraft community, led to a fast-spreading word about this partnership.
Tricks & tips on betting, football conversations, and even memes were the organic outcomes of this partnership. Audiences were eager to learn, while experts supported content creators to make the right decisions on the bets.
This synergy led to a fun and explosive event and we are looking forward to working with Tipico again!
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