Can Influencers leverage NFTs?

Understanding NFTs always wakes the interest in the field of application, which in our case is influencer marketing. Influencers constantly create digital content in forms of videos, pictures, posts, tweets etc. This digital footprint can surely be used in combination with NFTs…. Read More

K/DA – The Future of Virtual Influencers

Gaming developers like Riot Games have taken the innovative step to create their own virtual influencer group known as K/DA. Debuting in September 2018, K/DA’s world hit POP/STARS generated over 425 million views on YouTube alone. … Read More

Top 10 Biggest YouTube Influencer

English YouTube Influencer Thomas Cassell started his YouTube channel in 2010, initially uploading videos of FPS shooters such as Halo and Call of Duty. Over the years, Syndicate enjoyed other gaming titles such as Minecraft and has built up a loyal community of gamers…. Read More

Top 10 Biggest Twitch Streamer

Félix “xQcOW” Lengyel, is a French-Canadian twitch streamer who is known for his pro career in Overwatch. He used to be a player on the Dallas Fuel Overwatch League team and after quitting has become one of the biggest twitch streamers in the world…. Read More