Work with Console Gaming Influencers

Are you a Ps4 or Xbox player? … This is a question that every console gamer is extremely familiar with. Console gamers express a high level of loyalty and awareness for their console of choice. Brands aiming to reach a specific audience or gaming community should follow up with the latest console gaming influencers!


Check out Our Work with Console Influencers

Check out a few of the campaigns we’ve executed with console influencers:

Types of Console Influencers

Console Gaming Influencers

Four Categories

Console influencers generally fall into one of the following four categories:

  • Xbox Influencers
  • Playstation Influencers
  • Nintendo Switch Influencers
  • and Old School Console Influencers

Modern Consoles

The first three consoles categories having the greatest reach as most of today’s games are published for one if not multiple of them; therefore if a campaign objective is to have wide reach then Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Switch Influencers are advised.

Console Gaming Influencers
Console Gaming Influencers

Old School Consoles

That said, brands should not discount the value of Old School Console Influencers. Often times, the audience of these channels is older, may have more discretionary income and are incredibly engaged with all things gaming.

Find Console Gaming Influencers in our Database of 3+ Million

Through our influencer database, we can identify which micro influencers, macro influencers, and everything in between is right for the campaign.



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Influencer Database

Your Campaigns with Console Gaming Influencers

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Tell Your Story through a Console Influencer

Work with Influencers on all Social Media Channels

Console Influencers in Every Language

Are you not sure about Console Games? We’ve got you covered!

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